Friday, July 29, 2011

Paper Crown!

Lauren Conrad's Fall and Holiday collection of her line Paper Crown is simply inspiring. View pictures below for a taste of it!

 <3 xo

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Going to California...

Going to california in 5 days SO EXCITED and right now I'm planning out my week and figuring out what I gotta do each day to promote myself and get myself out there!

Been working on different scenes and songs recently for my new youtube channel which hasn't been released to the public yet BUT I did record a video tonight for fun of me singing Killing me softly that I know wasn't originally sung by Lauryn Hill but for some reason I said that in the video aha

ANYWAYS. Check it out!

Lots of loveeeeee xo

Saturday, July 23, 2011


You will feel so much freedom when you realize you know exactly what to do to get want you want! <3

Moving Forward

The finale to the most amazing series of all time has come. Harry Potter. I was one of the million readers that got choked up during the final minutes of the last movie. The books pretty much sums up my entire childhood.
It's weird because while the movie was on I started to feel different. Like a chapter of my life was coming to an end. I tried watching the movie again but it just wasn't the same. It's as if my mind is telling me it is now time to grow up lol.

I've changed a lot of things going on in my life recently. Choices I had made in the past have brought me to realizations.

For one I've come to the realization that for months and months I was telling myself that I was surrounding myself with people that are good for me, that are who I wanna be like...
Yes I want to make something of myself, but I want to be a good person while doing it.
I've been told time after time that I can choose who I surround myself with and you are who you hang with, well if gossip queen is who I'm gonna turn into and live the most dramatic life ever because some girls are so immature, then I need to pull myself away from that.
Even guys I have previously surrounded myself with. If you only knew the stories of some of the horrible things these guys do to women or how they talk about women, not to mention how they talk directly to women. Or more specifically me.

I've learned a lot about mind set these last couple of years and one of the things I learned is you can control how you feel about things. For example, I could stay mad at these people that have hurt me or friends that have betrayed me in the past, but then I would just be holding on to anger and attracting more of this negative energy to me. No I choose to pity them, for they with their jealousy and love for popularity, will never know what it truly means to love and care for someone.
"Don't pity the dead harry, pity the living, and above all those who live a life without love" - Albus Dumbledore.

One trait of mine that some say is a bad characteristic and some say is good, is that I trust really easily. It's bad because so many people walk all over me. Even the best of friends have jumped on me till I started bleeding (aha dramatic but you get my point) and sadly sometimes it takes seeing that drop of blood to knock some sense in me and realize enough is enough. But if I hadn't gone through crap like that, then I wouldn't of realized that these people were always doing things that made them never my friends all along, as sad as it is because I really trusted and loved them. But realizing this helped me move forward and qualify who are my true friends and are looking out for my best interests and if I hadn't trusted then I might of never known.
So really I'm lucky. I'm lucky that I'm blessed to discover who's great for me and the more hard times I go through, the easier it is for me to weed out the bad ones fast.

Alright enough with the sad talk, someone should play me the violin  Aha My life actually rocks to be honest aha.
I'm jet setting to the beautiful city of LOS ANGLES in 9 days! YEYE. Been working on getting a visa recently so that the min I graduate I can get out of Tdot. I mean Canada's nice but it's no California, that's for sure. My heart just ain't here.
My good pally Steff and I have started documenting our dancing adventures and I'm so pumped to announce that I will be dancing in BritBrit herself's studio in Cali! SO EXCITED. Stay tuned for a little video tour on that!

Anyways off to go "Charitying". It's a word I made up meaning I'm off to fundraise. Obviously I could just say I'm off to fundraise but what's the fun in that? Besides Charitying is way more of a challenge. Try saying it five times fast!
McQueen <3