Saturday, February 25, 2012

True Colours

So I've been soo incredibly busy for the last while. Sometimes you get caught up in life that you forget to stop for a moment and just breathe, take it all in and most importantly, to feel grateful.

I'm one of those people that truly believes in that everything happens for a reason. What we focus on, we attract to our life and if people and things aren't in line with your goals and focus, then they start to leave your life.

I have these 10 "Focused thoughts" (I call them) that I well... focus on haha. My vision board hanging in my room, represents these thoughts and goals that I want.

I started this experiment in the beginning of August last year. It was amazing how fast things started to evolve in my life. How fast, people who weren't in line with what I wanted in life, left my life. By the end of December, I had accomplished half of those goals.
My vision board (I had made in January last year), I had almost accomplished all but one goal on my board by December. So of course, I am a big believer in what you focus on you get.

Anyways, so one of my focused thoughts was that, "I have found someone who loves and appreciates me. I'm surrounded by love".
It was like having someone pick weeds out of a garden. Suddenly anyone who didn't have the right intentions in my life or my best interests at heart, drifted from me. Those who didn't care about me or cared to understand me, became noticeable. Anyone who was a threat to me accomplishing my inner wants and goals, just left.
But then without the weeds left, it was spring time in my mind, as flowers began to bloom (haha). People who always loved me, were there for me. New people who wanted to love, listened and found a way. Only the most caring of souls became all that I was surrounded by and those who weren't in line with the happiness I was feeling,... did not like me thats for sure lol.

My point is, I've come a long way in the last couple of years and anyone thats travelled this crazy journey with me, knows that at the end of the day, the most important thing to me is my friends and family. I'm so grateful for having the opportunity to be surrounded by so many loving, true people. Most people hardly know one person like this in their lifetime. I, only attract these people now.
I feel blessed and loved everyday. Something that I always had a hard time feeling. Mostly because I wasn't surrounding myself with people that wanted me to feel this way.

If your having a tough time right now, try to do whatever you can to focus and attract only the things that will bring you love. Once you do, you'll feel a lightness and power to continue going after all of your dreams.

Here's a song I've been singing a lot lately. My favourite version is by Cyndi Lauper but Phil Collins did a good remake too :P

I know I'm a big dramatic cheese ball. But hey, I'm me. Love you Friends.