Thursday, May 24, 2012

No I am not a fairy, I am real.

Today is the day I tell you who I really am and what I'm all about.

Yep... I'm gonna tell you everything.

The GOOD parts and the Real parts. I'm not calling it bad parts cause it really aint that bad. It's just life and it's real.

So here goes...Good parts first obviously haha

I'm a truly, naturally happy person. I love to love and I love people deeply. I'm fond of people and have spent many years trying to understand how different people react and work and that is why lots of people say that I'm good with people...LOl. I just understand them and always find a way to mold myself into how different people work and think. Perhaps that is why I am an actress. :)

I had an extremely hard time fitting in growing up and that is why I have no problem with myself now. I'm pretty content with who I am and that is why I very rarely get embarrassed by anything I do (however silly I may be). I believe I have been through some extremely horrifying events in my past and so it's kinda hard to feel any embarrassment after that haha.

I'm very much in love with my friends and family. I will do anything for them (see "real parts" for my 'But.."). Literally anything. The ones that know me best (all 3 of you haha) know that.

I work very hard to accomplish my goals. Everyday I get closer and closer to getting exactly what I want and that is probably why I'm also very happy all the time. I work very hard on what I think about and attract and bad stuff always finds a way of exiting my life...right on cue.

okokokok it ain't a fairy tale all the time but i'd say about 95% of the time it is because I don't dwell on the bad stuff long.

iight Real Parts. (I'm gangster also 95% of the time)

I'm no angel. I like to pretend I am but hey who doesn't?

I'm very passionate, I have very strong views and respect means a lot to me.  I exaggerate 95% of what I say :D It is kinda my own inside joke/humor and I always laugh at myself for that. People who know me well know I'm just silly like that :D.
I can be extremely outgoing and also a complete loner. 
When I get mad, I am a little too honest with people. Sometimes I really do go too far.
When people aren't grateful for things or disrespect me, I have a very hard time keeping my composure after a while and I get extremely upset.
It's definitely something I've been working on for a while cause really, you can't change anyone.

The problem I have is I care too much about people and so when I should cut them out of my life, because of how they treat me, I always find a way of letting them back in. Maybe because for me, instead of time healing my wounds, time just makes me forget why I was so hurt to begin with, and history always repeats itself. Eventually I remember and get upset again because people don't change.

But the problem isn't them. It's me. So their selfish or mean hearted or disrespectful or have treated me badly, that's just how THEY are. I can't change that. It's only hurting my heart more by bringing these people into my life and trying to help them and hope that one day they would see how they act.

The only person I can help is myself. You know how many times I have said that and not truly understood it till now.
I shouldn't be angry at them. I should feel sad for them. It must be so lonely to be out in the world and not understand why people don't understand you.
For that one trait, I am blessed.

I know who I am. I know that all I want to do is bring love to people. But maybe my focus shouldn't be on just people. Maybe my focus should be on people who want to accept my love and give it in return.

Alright so new goal.
I enjoy and attract only people who will accept my love and only show me love in return.

If your wondering why I speak in the present tense please view "The Secret". I live and breathe it every single day. (passionate)

ANYWAYS, I'm feeling really good about this new goal. You don't have to have drama in your life, you choose to have it in your life.

The wise words of someone that I have never met and have no idea of what his name is. :D
