Thursday, October 20, 2011

Out with the old...

Sometimes in life there are just some things you can't control. You can't control what other people say and you especially can't control how people interpret things.
The test is how people deal with their issues. If someone really cares for you for example, their not just gonna give up on you. Their gonna put up a fight. Their gonna want to solve their problems with you, not just completely kick you out of their life.

I've learned that lesson a lot in this last while.
It hurts because you realize what was real and what was fake and sometimes what you thought was real might of meant a great deal to you. If people don't care enough to find out the truth, or to listen to your side of the story, or their too caught up in their own issues that their blinded by the truth, then theres nothing you can do. All you can do is accept it and move forward and know in your heart that you only had good intentions and that you meant well.
From the craziness that has been in my life recently, it's actually brought me closer to my family and a couple of my friends.
I can't say I've been very strong this time. I dropped facebook, I slept a couple of my days away, I had a nice crying fest and I didn't bother trying to do some important things that I could of done if I just found the focus.
You know I was mad at myself for doing this to and I felt guilty. Then I came to the realization that it's ok to not be strong all the time. But you can't let it linger on forever. Life has got to go on and you have got to put it behind you.
So this is my pledge that I am not gonna be sad anymore.
I am not gonna let myself fall victim to my circumstances. The show must go on and in my life I'm the feature act. Time to shine again.

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