Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I make myself laugh

GOOD MOrning everyone!!
haha k good afternoon actually but I just woke up an hour ago so it still feels like morning!
Haven't blogged in soooo long! Been so caught up with school! :( Almost finished with school though! Can't for the life of me WAIT. It's been the hardest semester EVER.

This christmas break I'm literally gonna shut myself off from the world and just focus on my career and myself. I have a pile of books as tall as my bed just waiting to be read and I cant WAIT to dig into them!!!! I love that about christmas! Going outside and freezing my little tosh off and then coming inside to my oversized sweaters and sweatpants, hot chocolate and my comfy couch to curl up with a good book.

So recently I've really started to become more interested in so many different categories of books...I mean besides the usual business section and teen section LOL I'm really still a teen at heart :D
So heres what I'm gonna try over the break!!
1) The Help - heard it was a fab movie so I gotta try it no?
2) The Hunger Games - Has anyone seen the trailer for this up and coming movie? GAH SO EXCITED!
3) The Lying Game - hahaha I started it when I started watching the show in early September but due to an unfortunate semester I never finished it haha
4) The Game of Thrones - There hasn't been a subway cart I have been on that SOMEONE wasn't reading that book haha
5) Kevin O'learys new book - haha forget the title and too lazy too look it up (yawn) but you guys know him - he's a Dragon from Dragons Den!- FAB
6) The Message - a year and a bit ago I bought myself this beautiful pink Bible that I read from every so often and I really wanna finish it. At first it was only so I can say that I've read the bible LOL but now I'm actually really enjoying it and learning from it.
7) The Power - Has anyone else seen the new addition to The SECRET. - I live by it folks and I get through every challenge because of it.

I was gonna write a list of Ten but when I got to 4 I realized - who am I kidding? I read as slow as a 5 year old hahaha sooo I'll probs only finish like 2 of those books.. but it's a nice thought.

Anyways, haha, really gotta be productive today!! Need to start crakin on my Women, Power and Politics course! Stay tuned for some lovely twitter arguments on issues from the course hahaha


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