Thursday, December 29, 2011

Worrying, laughter and lots of food!

You know what I hate?

I hate that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when your worried about something. That must be the worst feeling on earth...besides actual pain...haha obviously. hahaaha

But seriously. I hate worrying. I do it too much. There really is no point to worrying either. I should really talk myself out of it. Ok I'm gonna try now...
Melissa why are you worrying?
Will the reason you are worrying mean anything to you in a year? a couple months? a couple of days? Hours even?
I bet when you wake up tomorrow Melissa you will find out that there is no reason to worry at all. You know that always happens.
Well not always because if it always happened then you would probably never worry but as the case do because it doesn't always happen...hahaha...anyone that knows me knows that I'm having a fit of laughter at myself right now hahahaha

ahhh life is funny isn't it?

I'm actually starting to feel better haha.
My good friend...for the sake of keeping things private lets call him Eragon (yep like the dragon) my good friend Eragon just texted me this quote about worrying: "Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere" ...Well put lassie.

It's very true though. You know how much time I've wasted in my life worrying!?!?! At least worrying tonight has led me to this lovely blog post ...but most of the time I just sit on my bed and watch a movie and eat my feelings and feel crappy because I'm worrying haha.

hahahaha wow I'm having yet another fit of laughter. I just recently discovered that everything I do involves food. When I was in high school I use to wish I would be the fattest person alive ( not really I just told people that cause I have attention problems 0f course)...but I'm starting to think that might happen haha.

My friend and I have this game where we text each other what we see at this very moment...basically it goes like this.

Me: "What do you see right now...go!"
Friend: "Snow" and then she sends me a pic. "What do you see right this second"
Me: "my bed". and then I send her a pic.

It's quite humorous. Not to mention you really get a feel of what its like to be the other person...step into their shoes if you will.
hahaha anyways why did I tell you that? OH RIGHT hahaha so Anyways most of my pics I send to my friend are of food. Whenever she asks me what I'm doing, I'm always eating... CAN'T HELP IT.

Maybe I should start blogging about food. I eat so much I might as well.

Wow I've totally stopped worrying now. hahaha it's fun being me.
Alright I'm gonna go to bed now. But before I go...heres what I see right this second...

Terrys Choco Orange.
Yum in my tum.

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