Saturday, August 13, 2011


Well I'm warn out. Do you ever find that talking to some people is just so draining? Like some people make problems out of nothing and just love the fight?
I don't understand what drives people to be this way? Too be so negative...
My stomach is literally eating up my insides thinking about how mean some people can be and how they'll twist their words and say something one minute and then say they didn't say it the next to screw up your thoughts and then act like what your saying is stupid to make you confused even more and give you an end feeling of defeat. I'm out of breath aha
I've known quite a few people to do this in the last couple of years and I applaud them for being such genius's but they all live sad negative lives. Some are trying to change themselves but still look for a fight with the weak whenever they can. It's so sad to look at these people and unfortunately for me I've been a good target for them as I tend to be pretty happy go-lucky 90% of the time.
So to all you people like that, who play these mind games...I wish you the best of luck with happiness in your life.

alright aha now that I have that off my chest...I actually wrote that a day ago and so now i've come back to it and am pretty much over it.

So i was just tweeting along when I saw Heidi Montags name and I thought hmmm I wonder what she's up to these days... Then of course that led me to Spencer...which inevitably led me to a link that opened up my Itunes and played Heidi Montags songs. aha They are surprisingly catchy.
READ MY BODY LANGUAGE...I keep singing over and over again.

She performed this song at the Miss Universe a year ago and even though her dancing was pretty bad...You can definitely tell with some practise that she's got potential. Not to mention she is not shy at all and owned that stage. Ohhh Heidi.

Off too MONT TREMBLANT today with my shorty. Never been there before and since it is not winter I have no idea what to expect aha. I guess we will see won't we aha.

Anyways back to studying for my oh so secret career. Muahaha.
Life can be great if you choose it to be.


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