Sunday, September 4, 2011

30 day Challenge - Day 7

Hey guys!
Ok so I've been trying to make it my habit that every time I start to loose focus or dwell on a situation or immediate problem I'm having, I first go for a walk to clear my head, but then I watch the movie The Secret. Now if you have never watched the movie the secret then I suggest you GO NOW and watch it aha. The secret teaches you about what is called The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction basically states that whatever you put out into the universe, positive or negative thoughts, you get it right back and these thoughts determine your future. Seems pretty simple to understand and a lot of us have been taught this growing up from our parents, but most of us do not take it as seriously as we should if we expect to get the things and dreams we desire. Some of us, like me for example, did not understand the power of my thoughts until I watched this movie. I did not understand how important it is to feel good about what I want. Like with these 30 day journals I started. I stated what I wanted in the beginning, I stated that I want to find happiness within myself. Even though I am in control to how fast this happens to me, blogging about when I was sad and what I have previously gone through, brought back those sad bad feelings, (as I talked about them) and therefore making me not in line with what I want.

It is important to not write about the things I do not want and give my undivided attention to the things I do want. If I am putting out negative thoughts (talking about them, writing about them etc) then I am just reenforcing more of those feelings into my life. So I will no longer write about what it is I'm struggling with. No matter what kind of day I'm having during this process, I am only going to talk about the great things that are happening to me and what I am grateful for. For the remainder of these 30 day journals I'm going to write about what I do want and how each day I'm getting closer and closer to them. I'm going to start painting a picture of my perfect life, perfect friendships and relationships and I'm going to start feeling good about it and acting as if I already have them.

So I leave with this question, What would your perfect life look like?

"You can change your life and you can heal yourself".

"Your the only one who creates your reality".  - The Secret


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