Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 26 - Day 29...Almost at the end

So unfortunately I haven't been able to blog everyday due to my very busy school/work schedule but I think blogging my processes every couple of days makes more sense anyways as some days nothing really happens.

I've had a fabulous weekend. Sometimes with all the craziness that goes on in our lives, we forget about the people that make everything so simple and fun. The people that really bring out the kind of person you want to be and make you feel good.
Now I do think it is time to not need people to make yourself feel good, however this week was pretty tough and these guys reminded me of how easy friendships can be.

How loving someone should just be natural and you shouldn't have to go out of your way to please anyone. If you are...well theres a red flag telling you that you need to consider why your friendships are that way. What are you doing to allow people to have such influence on you? Why do you let yourself cater to please them?

Ah life is extraordinary isn't it?

I saw Lion King 3D last night and boy did I forget about Hakuna Matata.
STOP STRESSING you only live once!!!! Enjoy your life and appreciate the people you have in it! Sometimes your worry and things get hard, but that's life! How you deal with your worries and problems is what matters. You can choose to relax. You can choose to see bad in people or you can choose to see the good. You can take your anger out on people to make yourself feel good...but then what does that solve? Try to learn from your faults.  You can't change unless you start to learn how to change. So why don't you try positively questioning yourself like, 'What can I do today that might motivate someone to change their life?'. 'What can I do today that will help move me in the direction of my dreams?' 'What can I do today that will help spread the love on this planet?'

Haha alright the last one is cheezy but my point is, if your trying to come up with solutions to these questions, your one step further then someone sitting around feeling bad for themselves when things get tough.

Be Proactive.


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